Page 3 - Huronia Community Foundation - 2021 | 2022 Annual Report
P. 3



       Two years ago our daily lives ground to a halt. What we all took for granted virtually disappeared. Lockdowns,
       mandates and the ever changing virus made each and everyone of us long for a “NORMAL” life. Dinner with
       family and friends, social celebrations and so much more fell by the wayside. But we are a resilient bunch and
       once again we rose to the occasion. Local charities and organizations continued to need the support from the
       North Simcoe community, and as it has for over two decades, HCF was there to take up the challenge.

         Through a community grant
         from the Town of Midland,      Our annual Smart and Caring program      The establishment of 2 new donor advised
         HCF launched a “GIVING         returned in 2021. Twenty-one local charities   Endowment Funds: The Climate Action
         LOCALLY” campaign which        shared in the $23,030.00 in grants       Fund and the Paul Fahey Endowment Fund.
         encouraged local residents to
         support their favourite local
         charity and assist them in
         continuing to deliver much-    The establishment of 3         Through a generous      A Smart and Caring
         needed support to the most     new agency endowment           year end donation       grant to the Township of
         vulnerable in our community.   funds with the Wye Marsh       from the Wayne          Clearview assisted in the
                                        Wildlife Centre, Community     Coleman Family          creation of their Eco-Park.
                                        Reach North Simcoe and the     Fund, four agency       The project was featured
         LabX Media Group through       Huronia Museum.                endowment funds         on CTV News Barrie.
         the Huronia Community                                         received some much
         Foundation provided grants                                    needed financial
         totalling $19,900 to 13 local   HCF successfully conducted    support.               Local high school students
         charities and organizations.   the RBC Future Launch                                 were the recipients of over
                                        Community Challenge which                             $10,000 in scholarships
                                        provided five local youth-                            provided through various
         The Councillor Richard         driven projects a share of a                          funds established at HCF.
         Hinton Memorial Fund,          $30,000 donation from the
         Duncan (James) McLaren         RBC Foundation.
         Endowment Fund, Gil
         Robillard Family Fund and      HCF partnered with the Georgian Bay Cancer Support
         the Gammell Family Fund        Centre, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre and
         shared in a donation of        Beausoleil First Nation in presenting a 4-part cancer
         $3,500 from the annual         support group that took an indigenous approach to
         Tiny Township Mayor’s Golf     healing and connection through the teachings of the
                                        Medicine Wheel.

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