
Giving Locally

  • HCF
  • October 22, 2021
Giving Locally

Did you know that over 30% of Canadian charities may close due to COVID-19’s impact on fundraising?

Woman delivering small boxes to an elderly man both wearing ppeHuronia Community Foundation (HCF) is embarking on a “Give Locally” campaign to increase support to our local North Simcoe charities. We are focusing on the concept of “Giving Locally“, in particular, to support the smaller charities in the immediate area who have suffered due to the impact of COVID-19.

These charities need your support.

“The charity sector has had a very difficult time with limited opportunities to raise the funds they need to provide essential and desired services. Now is the time to increase support to local charities who deliver services to the most vulnerable in our society.”
Scott Warnock, HCF’s Executive Director

Everyone uses a charity at some point, whether it is the hospital, a counselling service, museums, public libraries, community health or mental health services, a local church or school. HCF doesn’t want to see any of the local charities close or severely reduce services to this community.

“Businesses are opening up again, and the majority of people are vaccinated. It has been a traumatic 16 months, but we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. However, it has been predicted that as many as one-third of Canadian charities may close due to the pandemic’s impact on fundraising.”
Lorna Tomlinson, HCF Board Member

How can you help? Consider Giving Locally. Make an end-of-year donation directly to the local charity of your choice, and help support their positive impact on your community.

Click here to view a list of charities in our area.

© 2021 Huronia Community Foundation | La Fondation Communautaire de la Huronie. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity No. 89087 5727 RR0001