

  • HCF
  • March 1, 2016

Do you want to make HURONIA a better place for everyone?

Are you energetic, compassionate, articulate and organized? Do you want to connect yourself with your community? HCF can use your help! Giving your time, with even the smallest of tasks, can make a real difference. It can benefit you and your family as much as the causes you choose to help. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, provides benefits to both your mental and physical health, and is a fun and easy way to explore your interests and passions.

Board Members

The Huronia Community Foundation has vacancies on their Board of Directors.  If you have a passion for making Huronia a better place to live, we invite you to apply!”  For details click here  and for an Application Form click here

Committee Members

Currently we are looking for individuals interesting in sitting on the following committees:

Fund Development Committee:

For individuals who want to help HCF grow our endowment bank allowing us to grant even more back to our communities

Marketing & Communications Committee:

The perfect fit for creative individuals, helping us to  get our message out or for those with experience in social media and marketing.

Grants Committee:

Help decide which applicants we can grant to.

Caring Counts Committee:

Help us plan our annual fall Caring Counts event.

Stewardship Committee:

For individuals who are interested in stewarding the funds held by HCF.  Managing relationships and understanding financial reports are your strong suits.

If you would like to give some of your time to the Huronia Community Foundation, please email us at info@huroniacf.com.

© 2021 Huronia Community Foundation | La Fondation Communautaire de la Huronie. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Charity No. 89087 5727 RR0001